RJ Timber Trade
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Learn about our company


The company RJ Timber Trade started its activities in 2008 in the city of Canoinhas - SC - Brazil.

Combining development, organization and creativity, RJ Timber Trade is a company that is growing in the timber industry.

With hard work and good service, began to gain market gradually.

Always following the modernization of the market in the area of construction and foreign trade, aims to satisfy its customers by providing quality products.

All timber used by RJ Timber Trade has Certificate of Origin in accordance with relevant bodies such as FATMA and IBAMA.

Features RJ Timber Trade:

Functionality: Services performed responsibly.

Responsibility: We work with quality and honesty.

Punctuality: We fulfill our deadlines.

Quality Services: The quality you need with environmental responsibility.

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Contact the RJ Timber Trade +55 (47) 3622-5251
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